Adam Aulia Rahmadi
1 min readSep 23, 2017


good article ,
I‘m trying to save this post to json file

by using this command
instaLooter post BZXkRHqDOF tes -D
instaLooter post BZXkRHqDOF tes -d

both command I already try and show this ,
$ instaLooter post BZXkRHqDOF tes -d
instaLooter [] [options]
instaLooter hashtag [options]
instaLooter post <post_token> [options]
instaLooter (-h | — help | — version | — usage)

but it doesn’t work, can you help me , or you notice something wrong ?



Adam Aulia Rahmadi

data enthusiast, data scientist, data engineer, machine learning, deep learning, analytics, chef